Do you or a loved one need help with light housekeeping, medication reminders, safety/supervision?
Do you or a loved one qualify for home health care?
Do you or your loved one have Indiana Medicaid or Medicare?
If you answered YES to any of these questions then we can help!
We provide: Nursing – Aide – PA – Waiver Services
- If you’re suffering from an injury or illness.
- If you have a medical condition that needs frequent assessments such as: stroke, heart disease, diabetes, lung disease or a chronic illness such as multiple sclerosis.
- If you have low vision, cognitive insufficiency or mobility difficulties.
- If you require wound care, colostomy care, medication management, vital sign checks, etc.

Our Philosophy
We believe services should be flexible, therapeutic, creative, and innovative.
We believe our services should focus on people acquiring skills that are practical and useful and promote individual health.
We believe that individual choice should be valued, promote, and encouraged.
We believe that people with disabilities should be highly involved in determining types of services that they want and need.
We feel that the biggest difference between surviving and truly thriving in the community is to have close, satisfying relationships with family and friends.
We believe that services and living environments should be designed and modified whenever possible , to the unique needs of the individual.
Patients/Clients will receive quality care services without regard to patient/client’s race, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual preference, disability or handicap.